Friday, April 6, 2012

Assisi Diary - Day 15 - Glimpse of a Church

Today, Good Friday, seemed both quiet and busy in town.  Quiet because of the solemnity of the day, busy because of all of the people arriving for Easter weekend.  Tonight there will be a procession through town, beginning at the Church of San Rufino and ending at the Basilica of Saint Francis.
One very minor event to share.  There is one old church whose doors I don't recall ever seeing open.  It is the Church of San Paolo, very near the Piazza del Commune.
The small plaque on the door reads "S Paolo 1071".  That would be the year 1071.  I've long been curious about what may remain inside.
Early this afternoon as I was ambling along two gentlemen turned onto the street carrying a large cross.
Shortly thereafter I noticed they had turned off the road.  One of them had out a key and was unlocking the door to San Paolo.  In a moment's time they had carried the cross into the church, leaving the door open behind them.  I walked over, hesitated, then stepped into the dark entry way.  Another couple of steps afforded a glance inside, to see some desks and other items in storage, some remaining artwork on the walls, especially one large fresco, and the gentlemen just setting the cross down.  I stepped back out unnoticed, uncertain how my uninvited entry might be received.
That glimpse both satisfied and added to my curiosity.  Now that I know San Paolo still has treasures, I'll await the chance to one day visit again, only for more than a few seconds.
There are remains of a fresco above the entry.

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