Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Assisi Santa Maria Maggiore Frescos

Among the many off-the-main-path places in Assisi is the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, which has a history dating back to the time of the Roman poet Propertius. Archeological findings suggest it was over his home the original church was built. The first church there likely was built in the Fourth Century, and was expanded into one of Assisi's more prominent churches in the Tenth Century. It was close by this church that Francis returned his clothes to his father, and he grew up not far from it. I enjoy revisiting Santa Maria Maggiore for the frescos, or at least what remains of them from centuries past. Here are a few examples.
The Madonna of Mercy with Saints Blaise and Lucy, by Maestro di San Leonardo from the late Fourteenth Century.
Saint Anthony Abbott? also Fourteenth Century.
A Sixteenth Century Crucifixion with the Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist.
A Fifteenth Century image of Saint Stephen.
And a beautiful Fourteenth Century Madonna and Child by Pace di Bartolo.
As seen closer.

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