Thursday, May 3, 2012

Assisi Diary - Day 42 - Odds and Ends

Things are busy around town in preparation for today's opening of Calendimaggio.  The Piazza del Comune will be cordoned off for the main events.  Crossbow targets have been set up at the end of the piazza, stands have been assembled and those restaurants with outdoor seating have moved indoors to provide more room.

Most Assisi streets are narrow and one-way.  If urban planners had any forsight about automobiles during Roman times or the Middle Ages, they didn't follow through.  Here's what happens when a local bus tries to get by a construction truck.
With a little coaxing, and folding in the passenger side mirror, the driver made it through without a scratch.

Went to mass in Santa Maria degli Angeli this morning.  It's amazing the numbers of pilgrims around the world who travel to visit the Porziuncola.  Also amazing is the numbers of religious orders in and around Assisi.

By the way, in writing I've often used the words "monastero" and "convento".  In the U.S. one typically thinks of monasteries as being for monks, convents for nuns.  However, in Italy typically a "convento" will be home to Franciscans or Dominicans, while a "monastero" will be home to Benedictines, Carthusians or Cistercians.  One may be tempted to think that Assisi would be simply filled with Franciscans, but that would be forgetting that this region had many large Benedictine monasteries before and during the time of Francis.

And this sunny afternoon, it was decision time.
Chocolate and coffee prevail, again.

A few more flowers.

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