Saturday, April 7, 2012

Assisi Diary - Day 16 - Sentiero della Pace

The "Sentiero della Pace" or "Path of Peace" follows the trails Francis took, as a beggar, between Assisi and Gubbio, after his final break with his father.  Today I set out early from Assisi to walk a segment of the Sentiero della Pace, by first going along country roads from Assisi past Pieve San Nicolo to Valfabbrica, then by returning along Francis' path.  I started out with an open umbrella and walked much of the way under heavy clouds, but for the most part had nothing but fine hiking weather.After descending from Assisi, the road to Pieve San Nicolo is an uphill climb, leading at last to a misty morning view of Valfabbrica.
Closer to town I passed a group of about 15 pilgrims, carrying a cross, apparently on their way to Assisi for Easter. 
Being in a mood to photograph something other than historic structures in Valfabbrica led to capturing this pleasant observer, standing over a directional sign for the state police.
Also, I noticed a "mobile farmer's market" going about town, stopping in place to place to sell fresh produce.  Not a bad way to reach many neighborhoods.
Starting back, the Sentiero della Pace was muddy but beautiful.  One can easily imagine Francis making his way along this path.
After a long and slippery climb, the countryside opened up into fine vistas.
Along the way I met and talked with some pilgrims who had been walking for days, enjoying this special trail.
After a long descent followed by a uphill climb, I re-entered Assisi, where the streets that had been so empty before dawn were now filled with visitors for Easter.  This was about a 16 mile walk, with no shortage of climbs and descents offering wonderful views.

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